Author Archive for: lisamc

About Lisa McCarthy

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Lisa McCarthy contributed 6 entries already.

Entries by Lisa McCarthy

Four Trends To Watch In Healthcare Recruiting

By Liza Palermo As published in Beckers Hospital Review Healthcare Talent Shortage Persists The looming shortage of healthcare talent continues to plague hospitals, health systems and medical groups, as the labor market grows ever tighter. While unemployment for healthcare workers is near a 10-year low, the sector added 31,000 in the month of December 2017. […]

Captivating Your Social Audience: Lessons From A Subway Ride.

The other day, someone asked me why I posted something on my social profile—that had nothing to do with my business. I was a little shocked that they asked, because social media isn’t just about selling your services, its about building relationships—and I thought everyone knew that. The funny thing is that post was my highest […]

The Inside Out Of Social Engagement.

By Lisa McCarthy, Digital Infusion. Let’s face it social channels, are really just a new form of communication. But, as a marketer—a pretty revolutionary one. It seems that  every day  I work and talk with  organizations about their “social strategy” – the focus of conversation is around “external” engagement with clients and customers. Yes, it […]